Source code for client

#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Han Xiao <> <>

import sys
import threading
import time
import uuid
import warnings
from collections import namedtuple
from functools import wraps

import numpy as np
import zmq
from zmq.utils import jsonapi

__all__ = ['__version__', 'BertClient', 'ConcurrentBertClient']

# in the future client version must match with server version
__version__ = '1.10.0'

if sys.version_info >= (3, 0):
    from ._py3_var import *
    from ._py2_var import *

_Response = namedtuple('_Response', ['id', 'content'])
Response = namedtuple('Response', ['id', 'embedding', 'tokens'])

[docs]class BertClient(object): def __init__(self, ip='localhost', port=5555, port_out=5556, output_fmt='ndarray', show_server_config=False, identity=None, check_version=True, check_length=True, check_token_info=True, ignore_all_checks=False, timeout=-1): """ A client object connected to a BertServer Create a BertClient that connects to a BertServer. Note, server must be ready at the moment you are calling this function. If you are not sure whether the server is ready, then please set `ignore_all_checks=True` You can also use it as a context manager: .. highlight:: python .. code-block:: python with BertClient() as bc: bc.encode(...) # bc is automatically closed out of the context :type timeout: int :type check_version: bool :type check_length: bool :type check_token_info: bool :type ignore_all_checks: bool :type identity: str :type show_server_config: bool :type output_fmt: str :type port_out: int :type port: int :type ip: str :param ip: the ip address of the server :param port: port for pushing data from client to server, must be consistent with the server side config :param port_out: port for publishing results from server to client, must be consistent with the server side config :param output_fmt: the output format of the sentence encodes, either in numpy array or python List[List[float]] (ndarray/list) :param show_server_config: whether to show server configs when first connected :param identity: the UUID of this client :param check_version: check if server has the same version as client, raise AttributeError if not the same :param check_length: check if server `max_seq_len` is less than the sentence length before sent :param check_token_info: check if server can return tokenization :param ignore_all_checks: ignore all checks, set it to True if you are not sure whether the server is ready when constructing BertClient() :param timeout: set the timeout (milliseconds) for receive operation on the client, -1 means no timeout and wait until result returns """ self.context = zmq.Context() self.sender = self.context.socket(zmq.PUSH) self.sender.setsockopt(zmq.LINGER, 0) self.identity = identity or str(uuid.uuid4()).encode('ascii') self.sender.connect('tcp://%s:%d' % (ip, port)) self.receiver = self.context.socket(zmq.SUB) self.receiver.setsockopt(zmq.LINGER, 0) self.receiver.setsockopt(zmq.SUBSCRIBE, self.identity) self.receiver.connect('tcp://%s:%d' % (ip, port_out)) self.request_id = 0 self.timeout = timeout self.pending_request = set() self.pending_response = {} if output_fmt == 'ndarray': self.formatter = lambda x: x elif output_fmt == 'list': self.formatter = lambda x: x.tolist() else: raise AttributeError('"output_fmt" must be "ndarray" or "list"') self.output_fmt = output_fmt self.port = port self.port_out = port_out self.ip = ip self.length_limit = 0 self.token_info_available = False if not ignore_all_checks and (check_version or show_server_config or check_length or check_token_info): s_status = self.server_config if check_version and s_status['server_version'] != self.status['client_version']: raise AttributeError('version mismatch! server version is %s but client version is %s!\n' 'consider "pip install -U bert-serving-server bert-serving-client"\n' 'or disable version-check by "BertClient(check_version=False)"' % ( s_status['server_version'], self.status['client_version'])) if check_length: if s_status['max_seq_len'] is not None: self.length_limit = int(s_status['max_seq_len']) else: self.length_limit = None if check_token_info: self.token_info_available = bool(s_status['show_tokens_to_client']) if show_server_config: self._print_dict(s_status, 'server config:')
[docs] def close(self): """ Gently close all connections of the client. If you are using BertClient as context manager, then this is not necessary. """ self.sender.close() self.receiver.close() self.context.term()
def _send(self, msg, msg_len=0): self.request_id += 1 self.sender.send_multipart([self.identity, msg, b'%d' % self.request_id, b'%d' % msg_len]) self.pending_request.add(self.request_id) return self.request_id def _recv(self, wait_for_req_id=None): try: while True: # a request has been returned and found in pending_response if wait_for_req_id in self.pending_response: response = self.pending_response.pop(wait_for_req_id) return _Response(wait_for_req_id, response) # receive a response response = self.receiver.recv_multipart() request_id = int(response[-1]) # if not wait for particular response then simply return if not wait_for_req_id or (wait_for_req_id == request_id): self.pending_request.remove(request_id) return _Response(request_id, response) elif wait_for_req_id != request_id: self.pending_response[request_id] = response # wait for the next response except Exception as e: raise e finally: if wait_for_req_id in self.pending_request: self.pending_request.remove(wait_for_req_id) def _recv_ndarray(self, wait_for_req_id=None): request_id, response = self._recv(wait_for_req_id) arr_info, arr_val = jsonapi.loads(response[1]), response[2] X = np.frombuffer(_buffer(arr_val), dtype=str(arr_info['dtype'])) return Response(request_id, self.formatter(X.reshape(arr_info['shape'])), arr_info.get('tokens', '')) @property def status(self): """ Get the status of this BertClient instance :rtype: dict[str, str] :return: a dictionary contains the status of this BertClient instance """ return { 'identity': self.identity, 'num_request': self.request_id, 'num_pending_request': len(self.pending_request), 'pending_request': self.pending_request, 'output_fmt': self.output_fmt, 'port': self.port, 'port_out': self.port_out, 'server_ip': self.ip, 'client_version': __version__, 'timeout': self.timeout } def _timeout(func): @wraps(func) def arg_wrapper(self, *args, **kwargs): if 'blocking' in kwargs and not kwargs['blocking']: # override client timeout setting if `func` is called in non-blocking way self.receiver.setsockopt(zmq.RCVTIMEO, -1) else: self.receiver.setsockopt(zmq.RCVTIMEO, self.timeout) try: return func(self, *args, **kwargs) except zmq.error.Again as _e: t_e = TimeoutError( 'no response from the server (with "timeout"=%d ms), please check the following:' 'is the server still online? is the network broken? are "port" and "port_out" correct? ' 'are you encoding a huge amount of data whereas the timeout is too small for that?' % self.timeout) if _py2: raise t_e else: _raise(t_e, _e) finally: self.receiver.setsockopt(zmq.RCVTIMEO, -1) return arg_wrapper @property @_timeout def server_config(self): """ Get the current configuration of the server connected to this client :return: a dictionary contains the current configuration of the server connected to this client :rtype: dict[str, str] """ req_id = self._send(b'SHOW_CONFIG') return jsonapi.loads(self._recv(req_id).content[1]) @property @_timeout def server_status(self): """ Get the current status of the server connected to this client :return: a dictionary contains the current status of the server connected to this client :rtype: dict[str, str] """ req_id = self._send(b'SHOW_STATUS') return jsonapi.loads(self._recv(req_id).content[1])
[docs] @_timeout def encode(self, texts, blocking=True, is_tokenized=False, show_tokens=False): """ Encode a list of strings to a list of vectors `texts` should be a list of strings, each of which represents a sentence. If `is_tokenized` is set to True, then `texts` should be list[list[str]], outer list represents sentence and inner list represent tokens in the sentence. Note that if `blocking` is set to False, then you need to fetch the result manually afterwards. .. highlight:: python .. code-block:: python with BertClient() as bc: # encode untokenized sentences bc.encode(['First do it', 'then do it right', 'then do it better']) # encode tokenized sentences bc.encode([['First', 'do', 'it'], ['then', 'do', 'it', 'right'], ['then', 'do', 'it', 'better']], is_tokenized=True) :type is_tokenized: bool :type show_tokens: bool :type blocking: bool :type timeout: bool :type texts: list[str] or list[list[str]] :param is_tokenized: whether the input texts is already tokenized :param show_tokens: whether to include tokenization result from the server. If true, the return of the function will be a tuple :param texts: list of sentence to be encoded. Larger list for better efficiency. :param blocking: wait until the encoded result is returned from the server. If false, will immediately return. :param timeout: throw a timeout error when the encoding takes longer than the predefined timeout. :return: encoded sentence/token-level embeddings, rows correspond to sentences :rtype: numpy.ndarray or list[list[float]] """ if is_tokenized: self._check_input_lst_lst_str(texts) else: self._check_input_lst_str(texts) if self.length_limit is None: warnings.warn('server does not put a restriction on "max_seq_len", ' 'it will determine "max_seq_len" dynamically according to the sequences in the batch. ' 'you can restrict the sequence length on the client side for better efficiency') elif self.length_limit and not self._check_length(texts, self.length_limit, is_tokenized): warnings.warn('some of your sentences have more tokens than "max_seq_len=%d" set on the server, ' 'as consequence you may get less-accurate or truncated embeddings.\n' 'here is what you can do:\n' '- disable the length-check by create a new "BertClient(check_length=False)" ' 'when you do not want to display this warning\n' '- or, start a new server with a larger "max_seq_len"' % self.length_limit) req_id = self._send(jsonapi.dumps(texts), len(texts)) if not blocking: return None r = self._recv_ndarray(req_id) if self.token_info_available and show_tokens: return r.embedding, r.tokens elif not self.token_info_available and show_tokens: warnings.warn('"show_tokens=True", but the server does not support showing tokenization info to clients.\n' 'here is what you can do:\n' '- start a new server with "bert-serving-start -show_tokens_to_client ..."\n' '- or, use "encode(show_tokens=False)"') return r.embedding
[docs] def fetch(self, delay=.0): """ Fetch the encoded vectors from server, use it with `encode(blocking=False)` Use it after `encode(texts, blocking=False)`. If there is no pending requests, will return None. Note that `fetch()` does not preserve the order of the requests! Say you have two non-blocking requests, R1 and R2, where R1 with 256 samples, R2 with 1 samples. It could be that R2 returns first. To fetch all results in the original sending order, please use `fetch_all(sort=True)` :type delay: float :param delay: delay in seconds and then run fetcher :return: a generator that yields request id and encoded vector in a tuple, where the request id can be used to determine the order :rtype: Iterator[tuple(int, numpy.ndarray)] """ time.sleep(delay) while self.pending_request: yield self._recv_ndarray()
[docs] def fetch_all(self, sort=True, concat=False): """ Fetch all encoded vectors from server, use it with `encode(blocking=False)` Use it `encode(texts, blocking=False)`. If there is no pending requests, it will return None. :type sort: bool :type concat: bool :param sort: sort results by their request ids. It should be True if you want to preserve the sending order :param concat: concatenate all results into one ndarray :return: encoded sentence/token-level embeddings in sending order :rtype: numpy.ndarray or list[list[float]] """ if self.pending_request: tmp = list(self.fetch()) if sort: tmp = sorted(tmp, key=lambda v: tmp = [v.embedding for v in tmp] if concat: if self.output_fmt == 'ndarray': tmp = np.concatenate(tmp, axis=0) elif self.output_fmt == 'list': tmp = [vv for v in tmp for vv in v] return tmp
[docs] def encode_async(self, batch_generator, max_num_batch=None, delay=0.1, **kwargs): """ Async encode batches from a generator :param delay: delay in seconds and then run fetcher :param batch_generator: a generator that yields list[str] or list[list[str]] (for `is_tokenized=True`) every time :param max_num_batch: stop after encoding this number of batches :param `**kwargs`: the rest parameters please refer to `encode()` :return: a generator that yields encoded vectors in ndarray, where the request id can be used to determine the order :rtype: Iterator[tuple(int, numpy.ndarray)] """ def run(): cnt = 0 for texts in batch_generator: self.encode(texts, blocking=False, **kwargs) cnt += 1 if max_num_batch and cnt == max_num_batch: break t = threading.Thread(target=run) t.start() return self.fetch(delay)
@staticmethod def _check_length(texts, len_limit, tokenized): if tokenized: # texts is already tokenized as list of str return all(len(t) <= len_limit for t in texts) else: # do a simple whitespace tokenizer return all(len(t.split()) <= len_limit for t in texts) @staticmethod def _check_input_lst_str(texts): if not isinstance(texts, list): raise TypeError('"%s" must be %s, but received %s' % (texts, type([]), type(texts))) if not len(texts): raise ValueError( '"%s" must be a non-empty list, but received %s with %d elements' % (texts, type(texts), len(texts))) for idx, s in enumerate(texts): if not isinstance(s, _str): raise TypeError('all elements in the list must be %s, but element %d is %s' % (type(''), idx, type(s))) if not s.strip(): raise ValueError( 'all elements in the list must be non-empty string, but element %d is %s' % (idx, repr(s))) if _py2: texts[idx] = _unicode(texts[idx]) @staticmethod def _check_input_lst_lst_str(texts): if not isinstance(texts, list): raise TypeError('"texts" must be %s, but received %s' % (type([]), type(texts))) if not len(texts): raise ValueError( '"texts" must be a non-empty list, but received %s with %d elements' % (type(texts), len(texts))) for s in texts: BertClient._check_input_lst_str(s) @staticmethod def _print_dict(x, title=None): if title: print(title) for k, v in x.items(): print('%30s\t=\t%-30s' % (k, v)) def __enter__(self): return self def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_val, exc_tb): self.close()
class BCManager(): def __init__(self, available_bc): self.available_bc = available_bc self.bc = None def __enter__(self): self.bc = self.available_bc.pop() return self.bc def __exit__(self, *args): self.available_bc.append(self.bc)
[docs]class ConcurrentBertClient(BertClient): def __init__(self, max_concurrency=10, **kwargs): """ A thread-safe client object connected to a BertServer Create a BertClient that connects to a BertServer. Note, server must be ready at the moment you are calling this function. If you are not sure whether the server is ready, then please set `check_version=False` and `check_length=False` :type max_concurrency: int :param max_concurrency: the maximum number of concurrent connections allowed """ try: from bert_serving.client import BertClient except ImportError: raise ImportError('BertClient module is not available, it is required for serving HTTP requests.' 'Please use "pip install -U bert-serving-client" to install it.' 'If you do not want to use it as an HTTP server, ' 'then remove "-http_port" from the command line.') self.available_bc = [BertClient(**kwargs) for _ in range(max_concurrency)] self.max_concurrency = max_concurrency
[docs] def close(self): for bc in self.available_bc: bc.close()
def _concurrent(func): @wraps(func) def arg_wrapper(self, *args, **kwargs): try: with BCManager(self.available_bc) as bc: f = getattr(bc, func.__name__) r = f if isinstance(f, dict) else f(*args, **kwargs) return r except IndexError: raise RuntimeError('Too many concurrent connections!' 'Try to increase the value of "max_concurrency", ' 'currently =%d' % self.max_concurrency) return arg_wrapper
[docs] @_concurrent def encode(self, **kwargs): pass
@property @_concurrent def server_config(self): pass @property @_concurrent def server_status(self): pass @property @_concurrent def status(self): pass
[docs] def fetch(self, **kwargs): raise NotImplementedError('Async encoding of "ConcurrentBertClient" is not implemented yet')
[docs] def fetch_all(self, **kwargs): raise NotImplementedError('Async encoding of "ConcurrentBertClient" is not implemented yet')
[docs] def encode_async(self, **kwargs): raise NotImplementedError('Async encoding of "ConcurrentBertClient" is not implemented yet')